Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Disaster: Car Wreak

After my first week of school, I was in a really bad car wreak. I was on my way back from Houston, where I go home to make sure my grandmother is doing okay during the weekend, when I was in a hit and run on the Sam Houston Tollway. I lost control of my vehicle and ended up crashing into the concert medium, and unfortunately flipping my car over.

I was okay. I just unbuckled myself and crawled out on my own. An EMS personal physically restrained my head, because I kept moving around. They feared that I might have fractured my neck in the car crash. I was pretty calm through it all. Just a little freaked that I might have broken my nose, since it was swollen and numb.

A different EMS personal fitted me with a neck brace and I was then duck-taped to the gurney and rushed to the hospital. After a few X-rays, I left the hospital with a promise to take it easy and two day's bed rest.

The person that hit me never did stop, but there were several guys there that had saw me crawl out of the car. They kept me company while I waited for the EMS.

I did wear my seat-belt that day, and I wouldn't be here without it.

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